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Legal Services Brief Bank Home

Contents: The Legal Services/DA Brief Bank contains virtually all criminal appellate briefs filed by Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys since 2000. Most of the briefs were filed by attorneys from the Criminal Appeals Unit in felony appeals. Some of the briefs were filed by other DOJ attorneys in felony appeals or by Criminal Appeals attorneys in sex predator cases; three-judge appeals in traffic, misdemeanor or juvenile cases; or in traffic, misdemeanor or juvenile cases in the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Always Update the Law: The Legal Services/DA Brief Bank has not been edited; it is as comprehensive as possible. It contains briefs advancing arguments that prevailed as well as briefs advancing arguments that failed. Applicable law may have changed or been reversed since a particular brief was written. Briefs in this Brief Bank are not warranted or guaranteed in any way. You are solely responsible for the currency and validity of the law you offer to a court in support of your oral or written arguments. Before relying on any brief or portion of a brief found in this Brief Bank, always: (1) review the decision in the case for which the brief was submitted and check the direct and indirect history of the case; (2) review and update any citations to cases or statutes, and (3) review and update the general area of law involved in your case.

Citation conventions: The citations follow the format required by DOJ and the court in which the brief was filed. Your local court may have different required conventions (e.g., parallel pinpoint cites for the North Western Reporter).

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